The following article expounds upon the mystery of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, drawing from Scripture and Sacred Tradition; exploring how Mary is the New Eve, and how Mary’s spiritual birth in the soul through devotion to Her leads to the growth of the life of Christ within; concluding with a poem titled: ‘Birth of Eve the New’.
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‘The Birth of Mary’, Unknown painter, Fifteenth Century, Cologne. |
The 8th of September is the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the day on which the Church celebrates the Birth of Mary, who as Mother of Jesus the God-Man, is venerated by the Church as the Mother of God. In the Divine Office the Benedictus antiphon for the day contains the following words: “Your birth, O Virgin Mother of God, announced joy to the whole world, for from you has risen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God. He released us from the ancient curse and made us blessed.” If Jesus’ birth is described as the arising of the Sun of Justice, Mary’s birth is the Dawning of the Sun of Mercy –for She is the one of whom it is written: “Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun…”? (Song 6:10).
Mary’s Birth as the Dawn of Mercy
Mary’s Birth is the Dawn of
Mercy because before the birth of Mary the world was wrapped in darkness,
shrouded in the night and fog of ‘the ancient curse’ which fell upon the world
through the sin of our first parents – Adam and Eve. This sin the Church calls
Original Sin, because it was the first sin and is the cause of our natural separation
from God and of every evil in the world. Yet as the intercessions from the
Office of the day proclaim: “Sun of Justice, you showed the world was dawning
in the immaculate Virgin Mary”, for having being conceived immaculately without
the stain of Original Sin, Mary’s birth was truly the Dawn that scattered the
darkness of the night, the Dawn that lifted the fog of the ‘ancient curse’
which barred humanity from paradise. Had not this Dawn arrived, the Word of God
could not have become man; for the Word desired a pure place for His dwelling,
and pure flesh for investing: a place and flesh free from shadows of impurity.
After all, if the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant whereupon the Presence
of God would descend was required to be made of pure gold (Ex 25:17), how much
more ought to have been the very womb, flesh and soul of Mary, wherein God
Himself descended and dwelt among us. Indeed such was the Blessed Virgin Mary,
for Her body and soul in the womb of Ann her mother, was like the purest of
gold that laid hidden beneath the veil of soil. Yet this Pure Gold who is Mary
was pulled forth from the womb of Ann as gold is retrieved from the soil; and
this Gold as an immaculate mirror shimmered in the darkness as the Dawn;
wherefore the second antiphon for the Office of the day states: “When the
sacred Virgin was born, then the world was filled with light” (Lauds) – and this
Light is God, is Christ, whom Mary – “full of grace” (Lk 1:28)– perfectly reflected
and contained.
Mary as the New Eve
St. Paul refers to Jesus as
the Second Man or the Last Adam[1];
for indeed whilst in the first Adam “all die” and are contaminated by Original
Sin, “in Christ [the New Adam] shall all be made alive” into new creations cleansed
of every sin (1 Cor 15:22). The Early Church Fathers elaborated upon this theological
parallel – between the first Adam and Christ the New Adam. Yet they also
developed the parallel between Mary and Eve, and this understanding is apparent
at least as early as Saint Justin Marty (100-165 A.D.). For whilst the
Scripture calls Eve “the mother of all living” (Gen 3:20) as the biological mother
of all men and the ecological mother of all creation, Mary the New Eve is “the
mother of all living” in the spiritual sense –for “in reality it is from Mary…
[that] Life was truly born to the world. So that by giving birth to the Living
One, Mary became the mother of all living.”[2]
Furthermore Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit gives spiritual birth to those
who enter into the Church through Baptism; for “She is 'clearly the mother of
the members of Christ' . . . since she has by her charity joined in bringing
about the birth of believers in the Church, who are members of [the Body of Christ,
with Christ] its head.” (CCC 963).
The Church Father St. Ephrem
of Syria (306-373 A.D.) elaborates upon this parallel between Eve and Mary:
Mary gave birth without having relations with a man. As in the beginning Eve was born from Adam without a carnal relationship, so it happened for Joseph and Mary, his wife. Eve brought to the world the murdering Cain; Mary brought forth the Lifegiver. One brought into the world him who spilled the blood of his brother (Gen 4:1-16); the other, him whose blood was poured out for the sake of his brothers. One brought into the world him who fled, trembling because of the curse of the earth; the other brought forth him who, having taken the curse upon himself, nailed it to the Cross (Col 2:14).[3]
Likewise St. Augustine
(354-430 A.D.) regarding the Feast of Mary’s Nativity and also drawing the Eve-Mary
parallel writes:
Let our land laugh and sing with merriment, bathed in the glory of this great Virgin's rising. She is the flower of the fields on which the priceless lily of the valleys hath blossomed. This is she whose delivery changed the nature that we draw from our first parents, and cleansed away their offence. At her that dolorous sentence which was pronounced over Eve ended its course; to her it was never said: In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. She brought forth a Child, even the Lord, but she brought him forth, not in sorrow, but in joy. Eve wept, but Mary laughed. Eve's womb was big with tears, but Mary's womb was big with gladness. Eve gave birth to a sinner, but Mary gave birth to the sinless One… For Eve's disobedience, Mary offered obedience; and for Eve's unbelief, Mary offered faith.[4]
'Virgin Mary consoles Eve', Sr Grace Remington. |
Yet we ought to recall what
this ‘ancient curse’ is that was placed upon Eve and thus upon all women
henceforth: “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you
shall bring forth children.” (Gen 3:16). This curse is pronounced by God not
because God wanted to, but because it was the automatic consequence of
disobeying the divine command to abstain from eating the forbidden fruit from
the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ –and don’t worry in case you forgot, Adam got his fair
share of the curse too. The literal meaning of this curse is clear –especially
to those who have given birth no doubt. However the spiritual ramification of
this curse applies not only to women but to all people, because it meant that children
born physically would be born in the state of Original Sin. So how did Mary –
God in Mary – free us from this curse?
St. Paul describes how “Christ
redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us – for it is
written, ‘Cursed be every one who hangs on a tree’” (Gal 3:13). By this it is
meant that Christ took on Himself the curse of sin and death on the tree of the Cross (since the curse
of the law is an extension of the curse placed on Adam and Eve), even though He
was innocent and didn’t deserve such a curse. Yet it is because of His innocence
that the curse of sin and death was broken on the Cross, for His innocent blood
repaired for the guilt of our sins, which is symbolised by Cain’s shedding the
blood of Able; and His obedience repaired for the disobedience of Adam and for
all our disobediences in Adam –hence in Christ we are free from the curse of
sin and death, and thus we’re able to enter into relationship with God, be forgiven
for our sins, and enter into the true Eden of heaven which the sin of Adam closed.
Yet the curse of sin and death
could not be perfectly broken unless there was also a New Eve, because the
curse was placed upon both Adam and Eve.
Although it is Christ alone who breaks the ‘ancient curse’, Mary does so in,
with and through Him. This role of Co-Redemptrix Mary accomplished as the New Eve at the Foot of
the Cross, where like Christ She took the curse of sin and death upon Herself.
This included taking upon Herself the curse placed on Eve, because at the Foot
of the Cross Mary spiritually gave birth to the Church and all its members, with
Her birth pangs the sorrows She had in seeing Her beloved Son tortured on the
Cross. Mary was conceived without sin, and thus She wasn't under the ‘ancient
curse’ just as Christ wasn’t under the curse. Hence because this New Eve was innocent
and chose to suffer the requirements of the curse ‘to bring forth children’ in
pain, She thus broke the curse which humanity received through the first Eve.
And although this curse still has its physical and temporal effect of causing pain
during physical child birth, the spiritual and eternal effect of this curse of
confining us to Original Sin and likely damnation is banished – because we are spiritually
reborn through Baptism; a rebirth which the New Eve accomplished at the Foot of
the Cross.
Allowing Mary to be Born in One’s Soul
It is a great thing to be spiritually
born anew through Baptism, and this is a necessary first step. Yet it is an
even greater thing for Mary to be spiritually born in the soul, for this is the deepest fulfillment of one's Baptism. Yet how is this
birth of Mary accomplished in the soul? Through one’s devotion to Mary, and consecration to Her;
whereby one asks Mary to eclipse all of one’s own sins, imperfections and even
one’s alleged virtues and good works. Why do we say alleged? Because compared to
the holiness of Mary who the Archangel Gabriel calls “full of grace” (Lk 1:28) –
which is the same as saying “full of God” – our holiness, our virtues and good
works are as piles of dung. Yet through our true devotion to Mary, which is not
so much a series of acts but “a state of soul”[5],
our works and prayers which are dung in and of themselves, are converted by
Mary through Her ‘Midas touch’ into pure and priceless gold for the Kingdom of
God. For though everything we do, even the best and greatest things we can do,
are mere dung by themselves, if we give them to Mary and place them in Her
hands and in Her Immaculate Heart, She will purify them and make “them beautiful
and acceptable to her Son”[6].
In the words of the Marian master, St. Louis de Montfort:
She enriches our good works by adorning them with her own merits and virtues. It is as if a poor peasant, wishing to win the friendship and favour of the king, were to go to the queen and give her an apple - his only possession - for her to offer it to the king. The queen, accepting the peasant's humble gift, puts it on a beautiful golden dish and presents it to the king on behalf of the peasant. The apple in itself would not be a gift worthy of a king, but presented by the queen in person on a dish of gold, it becomes fit for any king.[7]
Indeed we may go even further and
say that our Lady as we have mentioned, converts our offerings such as our
prayers, daily chores, penances etc. into spiritual gold; or else we might say that
She converts them from vessels filled with water to vessels filled with wine;
from handfuls of darkness to handfuls of light. And the beauty of this great
gift, this secret and shortcut to holiness –because we’re veiling ourselves
with Mary’s own Holiness which is the Holy Spirit – is that it can occur in all
of us, all we need to do is give all of ourselves to Mary and surrender all of
our works into Her hands, taking and using Her own virtues –especially Her love
– as our own, because this is the perfect way of drawing nearer to Jesus, and thus
nearer to God. John the Beloved and St. Joseph knew this, that is why they were
the closet of all men to Jesus whilst He lived on earth, for they were the
nearest of all men to the Virgin Mary.
Yet what does this true devotion,
this consecration, union and nearness to Mary bring about in the soul? The
spiritual birth of Mary in the soul. For indeed Christ lives in the soul who is
Baptised, and even more so in the one who devoutly receives Holy Communion and
sustains the life of Jesus by feeding Him with the food of her daily prayers
and acts of neighbourly love. For the Scripture says: “When did we see you hungry
and feed you? … “Whenever you did it to the least my brethren you did it unto
me.” (Mt 25:37, 40). Yet although Christ lives in such a soul, unless Mary is
born and thus comes to abide in such a soul, Christ will live a miserly existence
in this soul –living off of mediocre food, dwelling in a cheapskate house –or rather
tent, and all in all He will be surviving yes, but He will be feeling rather
malnourished and semi-neglected. Why? Because the soul is imperfect, and she
can only cater for Christ her Beloved who dwells within Her being as a hungry
infant, in an imperfect manner. For no matter how hard she tries, no matter how
long she prays, and no matter how much she serves her neighbours, her nurturing
of the life of Christ within her will be lacking.
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'Breastfeeding. Madonna and Child', Guido Reni, 1628. |
Yet if the soul is truly
devoted to Mary and seeks to live in Her and to have this Spotless Eve live
within the garden of her soul, then this Eve will turn such a soul’s garden
into a New Eden, into a sacred paradise for Christ to dwell in. The words of
St. Augustine marking the Feast of Mary’s Nativity can be used to describe this
transformation of those souls in whom Mary is born: “Let our land laugh and
sing with merriment, bathed in the glory of this great Virgin's rising. She is
the flower of the fields on which the priceless lily of the valleys hath
blossomed.” Furthermore, since Mary is perfect by grace and is the Mother of
God, She will be able to cater for Jesus in a perfect manner, and will become
the Glorious Temple in which this holy Babe can live in within us. Hence the soul in whom
Mary is born, is a soul in which Christ delights in, and lives in luxury – for in
such a soul He is pampered by the Virgin Mary who knows how to pamper Her Son
as only a mother can. And the food with which Mary pampers Christ within such
a soul, is the soul’s very own imperfect offerings which Mary seasons with Her
own virtues and thus makes flavorsome and divine.
The introduction to ‘The
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary’ in the 1962 edition of the Tridentine daily
missal offers a glorious account of what it means for Mary to be born into one’s
soul, and it is an ideal means of concluding this section:
At the time of Mary’s birth the whole world was plunged in darkness… [but] when Mary was born a light arise amid the darkness: the dawn of the glorious day that was to usher in the Redeemer. So, too, the darkness of the sinner’s soul is dispersed by Mary’s holy influence. Where the love of her is born in the soul, all becomes full of light, and Jesus comes to make His habitation there. Mary, in the first hour of her life, brought more glory to God than all the Saints of the Old Testament. In her were made perfect the obedience of Abraham, the chastity of Joseph, the patience of Job, the meekness of Moses, the prudence of Josue [Joshua]. It is because she is the model and pattern of these and all other virtues that she can communicate them to us.[8]
Birth of Eve the New
Finally, I would like to end
with a poem which I have written in commemoration of the Birth of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. It interlinks all of the concepts explored within this article:
The earth was dark,
Shrouded by the mist of ancient curse,
With smell of death and hate making worse
World’s sickly state;
As each creature cried “please reverse!”
Yet nothing could be done
Since first Eve who was named
‘Mother of all living’
Gave birth instead to death
In form of violent Cain;
And flesh ours from this womb came.
But hope remained,
For though man was barred from tree of life
T’was replanted in Joachim’s wife,
As Eve the New
Who was destined to break curse of strife.
For here at last earth held
-From Adam New’s pierced side-
In arms that babe from rib
Whose birth was dawn bright morning,
Source of curse reversing,
Hope of our rebirthing,
And cause of Christ’s rejoicing:
In those in whom birth of Eve the New
Was wrought as welcomed morning dew.
[1] 1
Corinthians 15:21-22, 45.
[2] Epiphanius, Panarion,
374-377 A.D.
[3] Ephrem of Syria, Diatessaron
2, 2; SC 121, 66.
[4] Augustine, Second Nocturne of Matins.
[5] Louis Marie de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, Part 1: True Devotion to our Lady in
General, Chapter 1, 119.
[6] Ibid., Part II: Perfect Devotion to our Lady, Chapter
4, 146.
[7] Ibid., 147.
[8] The Daily
Missal and Liturgical Manual: ‘From the Editio Typica of the Roman Missal and
Breviary, 1962,’ 5th ed., Baronius Press: London, 2011, The
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, p.1473.
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